Central California Alliance for Health | Living Healthy | June 2024

Getting transportation services through the Alliance If you need a ride to a doctor’s appointment, need to pick up a prescription or need a ride for another medical-related reason, the Alliance’s transportation services can help. If you don’t have transportation and need to get to a medical appointment, you can schedule a ride by calling Call the Car (CTC) at 833-244-1678 anytime. This service is available to members living in Mariposa, Merced, Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz counties. The Alliance can help you get to your appointment by offering mileage reimbursement, public transportation or a taxicab. It’s important to call and schedule a ride at least seven business days before your appointment. Members now have the option to get text messages in their language. To see if your language is listed, call 833-244-1678 and a representative will help you! The Alliance also offers transportation services for members who have special transportation needs. If you’re unable to use a car, train, taxi or bus, call the Alliance at 800-700-3874. The Alliance aims to ensure that members going to a medical appointment can get transportation. Prescription drugs If you are a Medi-Cal member, your prescriptions that are filled at a pharmacy are covered by Medi-Cal Rx, not the Alliance. You can view prescription drugs that are covered by Medi-Cal Rx at www.medi-calrx.dhcs.ca.gov, or you can request a printed copy by calling 800-977-2273 (TTY: Dial 711), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you are an IHSS member, pharmacy services are managed by MedImpact. You can view covered prescription drugs on the Alliance website at www.thealliance.health/ prescriptions. You can also request a copy of the covered prescription drugs by calling Member Services at 800-700-3874 (TTY: Dial 711), Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. You may also call Member Services if you have questions about a medication. Benefit spotlight Living Healthy 6