Central California Alliance for Health | Living Healthy | March 2025

Living Healthy 2 About your Provider Directory and Member Handbook The Provider Directory and Member Handbook have important information about your health plan. ■ Provider Directory: lists all the primary care doctors in the Alliance network. ■ Member Handbook: tells you about the coverage that the Alliance provides for you. You can view the Provider Directory and the Member Handbook on our website at www.thealliance.health/for-members. Call Member Services if you want a copy mailed to you, need help finding a provider or have benefits questions. To talk to our Member Services team, please call 800-700-3874. For the Hearing or Speech Assistance Line, call 800-735-2929 (TTY: Dial 711). We are here from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The call is toll-free. If you speak a language other than English, language assistance services are available to you at no cost. The Member Handbook is a helpful guide. It has information about getting continuity of care, your rights, and how to get help with appointments. You can also learn how to file a grievance or appeal. If you need the handbook in another language, you can ask for that. The handbook is updated every year. Prescription drugs If you are a Medi-Cal member, your prescription drugs that are filled at a pharmacy are covered by Medi-Cal Rx and not the Alliance. To find out if a drug is covered, call 800977-2273 (TTY: Dial 711) or go to www.medi-cal rx.dhcs.ca.gov. If you are an IHSS member, pharmacy services are managed by MedImpact. You can view the list of covered drugs at www.thealliance.health/ prescriptions. You can also request a mailed copy by calling Member Services at 800-700-3874 (TTY: Dial 711). You can also call Member Services if you have questions about whether a drug is covered. Drugs given in a doctor’s office or clinic These are considered physician-administered drugs (PAD). You can view the list of covered drugs and any changes to the list at www.thealliance.health/ prescriptions. If you would like a mailed copy, please contact Member Services at 800-700-3874 (TTY: Dial 711). Important phone numbers to know ■ Alliance Member Services: 800-700-3874 (TTY: Dial 711). ■ 24/7 Alliance Nurse Advice Line: 844-971-8907. ■ Alliance Language Assistance Services: 800-700-3874, ext. 5580. ■ Mental Health Services: Carelon Behavioral Health, 855-765-9700. ■ Vision Services Plan (for routine vision services): 800-877-7195. ■ Medi-Cal Dental Program (for dental services): 800-322-6384. ■ 24/7 Medi-Cal Rx (for pharmacy services): 800-977-2273 (TTY: Dial 711). ■ Alliance Care Management Line: 800-700-3874, ext. 5512. ■ Alliance Health Education Line: 800-700-3874, ext. 5580. ■ Alliance Transportation Services: 800-700-3874.