Central California Alliance for Health | Living Healthy | March 2025

Living Healthy 5 Dental health and pregnancy Taking care of your dental health during pregnancy is very important for you and your baby! Studies show that if a mom-to-be doesn’t take care of her teeth, it can cause the baby to be born too early or too small. Also, cavity-causing bacteria can be passed to the baby once they are born. People who are pregnant are more likely to have gum disease and cavities than people who are not pregnant. That’s why it’s very important to get dental care if you’re expecting a baby. Doctors and dentists say that x-rays, cleanings and dental treatments are safe and recommended during pregnancy! Dental health tips during pregnancy ■ Schedule a checkup with a dentist early in your pregnancy! You have dental coverage for exams, cleanings, fillings and more through Medi-Cal.* ■ Complete recommended dental treatment while pregnant. It’s safe and important for you and the baby! ■ Brush twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste and floss daily. ■ Eat a balanced, healthy diet. Your health care provider can help you choose foods that can keep you and your baby healthy. ■ If you throw up from morning sickness, rinse your mouth with water or a fluoride mouthwash. Don’t brush right away—wait 30 minutes. ■ Bring your baby to the dentist when they turn 1 year old or when they get their first tooth! *If you have Medi-Cal because you are pregnant, you can get dental care for up to a year after your baby is born. If you still qualify for Medi-Cal for other reasons, you can also get dental care whether you are pregnant or not. Alliance members have dental benefits! Your Medi-Cal plan offers dental benefits for both children and adults. The services are covered by the Medi-Cal Dental Program and not by the Alliance. You will need to show your Medi-Cal Benefits Identification Card (BIC) to your dental provider to receive dental services. For more information, or to find a dentist near you, you can: ■ Call the Medi-Cal Dental Program at 800-322-6384 (TTY: 800-735-2922). ■ Visit the Medi-Cal Dental website at www.dental.dhcs.ca.gov. Benefit spotlight