Living Healthy 7 The Alliance offers health education programs Program Who is it for? Live Better with Diabetes Program Live Better with Diabetes Program Adult members who have diabetes or prediabetes. Healthier Living Program Adult members who have chronic conditions like asthma, heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity or depression. Adult Weight Management Program Adult members who are overweight or have obesity. Healthy Weight for Life Parents of members ages 2 to 18 who want to help their child reach a healthy weight. Healthy Moms and Healthy Babies Members who are pregnant or who had a baby in the last 12 months. Tobacco Cessation Support Members who want to stop smoking and/or using tobacco products. The Alliance also has a Health Rewards Program that rewards you and your family for taking actions that support your health! Check out our rewards at healthrewards. At the Alliance, we care about your health! That’s why our health education programs give Alliance members the tools they need to get healthy and stay healthy. There is no cost for Alliance members to participate. Programs are offered in-person, online or over the phone. If you would like to sign up for a program or have questions, please call the Alliance Health Education Line at 800-700-3874, ext. 5580. If you need language assistance, we have a special telephone line to get an interpreter who speaks your language at no cost to you. For the Hearing or Speech Assistance Line, call 800-735-2929 (TTY: Dial 711). Alliance language assistance services If you have trouble talking to your doctor, we can help! You do not have to use family or friends to interpret for you at doctor visits. The Alliance offers interpreting services in person and by phone. For help with getting an interpreter or written information in your language, please call the Alliance Health Education Line at 800-700-3874, ext. 5580. We have a special telephone line to get an interpreter who speaks your language, available at no cost to you. For the Hearing or Speech Assistance Line, call 800-735-2929 (TTY: Dial 711). Wellness for all